09 Jun

Many talent acquisition leaders are turning to RPO solutions to replace their talent acquisition(TA) teams as they struggle to refresh their workforces. 

Despite the fact that hiring process outsourcing (RPO) is becoming more common among Fortune 500 organisations, many mid-sized organisations are unaware of the capabilities and benefits RPO may provide to a company in need of speedy hiring assistance. 

Here are some RPO myths debunked, as well as the facts about how a customised recruiting and selection process outsourcing solution may benefit your company. RPO programmes help a company's talent acquisition staff reach a wider audience. - Fact 

The recruiting process outsourcing partner may not seem necessary if your company already has talent management staff. Is outsourcing your recruiting process a good idea? You can choose to delegate any or all of the recruitment process to a third party. Some businesses want to subcontract out a percentage of their open roles to RPO firms, while others prefer to totally outsource a division or business unit's recruitment. Whatever your situation, a well-executed RPO programme can assist your TA team in overcoming internal hiring capacity limits, resulting in improved recruiting throughout your organisation. A lot of fiction refers to RPOs as "staffing firms." - Fiction 

Some people believe that RPOs and staffing companies are the same thing. RPO providers will act as strategic talent agencies, assisting with larger recruiting surges that can encourage a range of sectors from sales professionals to call centre reps to general managers to IT developers. Staffing companies can be managed to bring on to fill an organization's one-time temporary or direct hires, while RPO providers will act as strategic talent agencies, assisting with larger recruiting surges that can encourage a range of sectors from sales professionals to call centre reps to general managers to IT developers. RPO partners may be able to assist their clients in improving their top-of-the-funnel talent sourcing strategies while also improving their employer brands. RPO can help you lower your cost-per-hire and reduce the time it takes to hire someone. - Fact 

Because RPO programmes are meant to cover the majority of internal and external recruiting expenditures, they can save companies a lot of money. RPO solutions have been demonstrated to save over 20% on overall cost-per-hire. RPO providers could more successfully find, engage, and onboard candidates thanks to modern technologies and recruitment platforms. As per the Recruitment Process Outsourcing Association, excellently RPO partners can save up to 55 percent on hiring time. RPO programmes are supposed to be one-size-fits-all -  Fiction. 

RPO activities should be tailored to the organization's personnel and business requirements. RPO solution are not set in construction, contrary to popular opinion. In reality, programmes are built into your recruitment process and are flexible enough to accommodate periodic hiring spikes by connecting adaptable teams to talent requirements. When faced with temporary labour surges, such as around the holidays, several organisations utilise RPO programmes. RPOs are also available in a variety of cost-effective price packages. Businesses have a range of cost options when working with an RPO partner, from cost-per-hire models to management fee pricing schemes. 

To sum it up A well-designed RPO plan may add value to your whole hiring and talent management processes, regardless of the size of your company. Even if you're looking to outsource a few of those all—of your recruitment responsibilities, choosing the appropriate RPO partner might be the difference between hiring outstanding people and missing out.

Read More : RPO Solutions for Technology Startups

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